0162, 49a Chavchavadze avenue, Tbilisi Georgia 

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 10AM - 7PM

Nexus as
a Service

Our Mission

our mission is quite Big! to save banks from disruption by Liberating them from the legacy systems and make easier for non-financial service providers to integrate embedded finance to improve customer journey with additional revenue stream, which is well- aligned with the current trend of “making every company a fintech company”.

NaaS Business Model

With NaaS (Or Nexus as a Service, as we like to call it) We offer our partners the benefit of Nexus’s advanced technology to use as their own. If you as the bank want a DIGITAL BANK, you canhave one up and running in months with SaaS offering.

It will be your License, Our Technology.

Banking is necessary, banks are not.

In the past 3 to 5 years with the development of cloud-based infrastructures Embedded Finance is becoming a norm and many financial or non-financial companies are gaining momentum of universal SupeApp concepts, as such nor small neither big banks can ignore any more what Gates has predicted 28 years ago.

Our key asset as of today

with the appearance of the AWS and other cloud IAAS the infrastructure barrier has been almost disrupted, but Our 3 years long journey of building digital bank convinced us that the biggest barrier, which still exist towards the digitization of the financial services is the knowledge gap. Our “Know How” is the key asset on which we are building our consultancy proposition extended into the SAAS business model.